Sunday 6 April 2014

Rangas on Generosity 3

Gene, generation, generosity. Producing, sharing, generating. A feeling feeling is spreading, moving
what does one give or share – is it
Material or immaterial? An object, a
thought, a feeling?

most simply put, i like the association with feeling and thought
feeling and thought…and generosity!

Imagine how generous it is to really engage with other’s feelings and thoughts. The generosity of spirit in all of that association.

Generosity the power of free will made in a positive way. Giving everything with heartfelt love.


 *if we are going to be kind, let it be out of simple generosity, not because we fear guilt or retribution.

Generosity is hard – when you’re dealing with fear or guilt, can you still show generosity?


speaking out loud in public telling the truth about many things?

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